Lollipop, lollipop…

I bought these big lollipops at the store just so I could take pictures of my kids eating them.  I made the mistake of calling them a sucker and was corrected on the proper name and the reasons why these cannot be considered suckers by Curtis.

You can probably tell I took this pictures the same day as the family pictures.  They were bribed with these suckers if they did a good job getting the serious family photos first.

I was smart enough to wait until after church to let them have the suckers.  Micah was covered from head to toe in lollipop drool and dirt from outside.

My favorite photos are the ones of Alessia having a breakdown when her lollipop falls to the ground and shatters.  Nothing like a real snapshot into how life really is like with a 3 almost 4 year old.

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2 Responses

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  1. janeen
    janeen at |

    I love the pictures of Alessia crying. I couldn’t stop laughing. Too funny and cute!

  2. Lollipops
    Lollipops at |

    […] out shopping one day we found some really big lollipop suckers on sale. I had been wanting to take another lollipop picture so we bought them with the sole purpose to take pictures while eating […]

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