Harvest Festival

Friday night was Harvest Festival up at the kids’ school.  The kids were so excited for this night.  They had been looking forward to it for weeks.  It was what I bribed my kids with when they were being naughty.

I was grateful that Aunt Mary was in town and could help me watch all the kids while we were there.

Curtis spent most of the time with our friend, Sam.  At one point they were holding hands while standing in line waiting to go on the big slide.  It was so cute.

Curtis mostly wanted to play all the games so he could get a free prize.  Usually it was candy but sometimes they gave out there terribly annoying whistles.

Alessia played the games too but also loved the face paint and the hair spraying booths.

Both the kids did the cake walk a lot.  Alessia, Micah and Curtis ended up all winning.  I believe Alessia won twice.

The kids also loved the throw a pie in a teachers face booth.  They all were able to throw pies at Alessia’s old Kindergarten teacher (after a few weeks of school she moved up to first grade so now Alessia has a new kinder teacher that we all love just as much).

The kids also participated in the dunk tank booth.  Curtis was able to dunk one of the teachers twice.  He really wanted to dunk the assistant principle but he missed the target every time.  Alessia however was the last one to throw a ball at the assistant principle that night and she landed the target and he went down.  Alessia was so excited. I got it all on video.  She watched it over and over.

We all had a blast at Harvest Fest.

Micah helps me feed the baby on our way to school sometimes

hanging out on the playground

Alessia waiting for me to pick her up from Kindergarten

Micah crashed in the car

(we visited Caesars Palace right before Harvest Fest)

yummy cotton candy

Curtis wanted a hot dog

Curtis getting ready to throw a pie in someone’s face

throwing baseballs at the dunk tank target

Alessia’s face paint

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