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Another School Year Begins

Another School Year Begins

About a week before school Curtis and Alessia recieved their much anticipated letter from the school telling them who their new teachers would be. Curtis would start the fourth grade and was assigned a new teacher to the school, Ms. Tiesling.  Alessia was excited to start first grade and was assigned Mrs. Catalano.   We were able to meet both of… Read more →



While the kids and I were out shopping one day we found some really big lollipop suckers on sale. I had been wanting to take another lollipop picture so we bought them with the sole purpose to take pictures while eating them. It probably took another few weeks before the kids were all finally bathed at the same time and… Read more →

Swimming at the Rec Center

Swimming at the Rec Center

One of the greatest things about living in Henderson is the amount of parks and rec centers we have access to.  In August I took the kids a few time to one of the rec center’s activity pools.  I hadn’t been in at least a year or two.  The truth is the thought of taking all 4 of my kids… Read more →