Another School Year Begins

About a week before school Curtis and Alessia recieved their much anticipated letter from the school telling them who their new teachers would be.

Curtis would start the fourth grade and was assigned a new teacher to the school, Ms. Tiesling.  Alessia was excited to start first grade and was assigned Mrs. Catalano.   We were able to meet both of their new teachers a few days later at the school’s open house.  Mrs. Catalano even mentioned finding a picture that we posted of Alessia with her new letter.  She had fun looking at our instagram pictures of the fun summer we had.

About a month into school it was decided that they needed to make another first grade class.  This happened with Alessia last year in Kindergarten.  Last year she wasn’t assigned a new class but she was given a new teacher.  This year we were happy to stay where we were.  Alessia was doing really well with Mrs. Catalano and Mrs. Catalano had expressed to me numerous times how much she loved Alessia.  Well, luck wasn’t on our side and Alessia was one of the students chosen to move to the new class. I was a little disappointed because I knew Alessia got along so well with Mrs. Catalano.  Her new teacher is Mrs. Sands.  (She was the new teacher they brought in to teach kindergarten last year but not the one Alessia had).  We just had parent teacher conferences this week and I loved being able to meet with Mrs. Sands and to hear that she loves Alessia too.  Alessia loves school and is doing well.  She even has remained Mrs. Catalano’s teachers pet and runs errands for her whenever she needs too.  She also has I.A. (reading) with Mrs. Catalano so it has worked out wonderfully.  Also, one more quick thing, Alessia and I were out shopping at Old Navy a few weeks back and we ran into Mrs. Catalano.  Her teachers says, “Oh it my favorite little girl, Alessia”.  It made Alessia’s day (and mine too). I have been extremely impressed with the teachers my kids have been granted to have.

Now back to the rest of the reason for this post….

Micah also started Preschool this year.  After much going back and forth on what to do (Joy School, Ms Danielle or Miss Marsha’s) we finally decided on Ms. Marsha’s.  Micah is a momma’s boy.  He has always been my little side kick.  When we went and toured the preschool he was stuck to me like glue.  He told me later he was not going to go to preschool.  When the time for preschool came I was able to go with him the first day.   He did extremely well when they had him go in one room and I in another.  Then the first real day of preschool when I couldn’t go in he just went in.  He never even looked back. I was tearing up.  Alessia was with me and told me not to worry because we were going to be picking him up soon.  When we picked him up Curtis was with me and Curtis got all emotional.  He said that Micah looked too little with his big bag for school.  Micah loves preschool but doesn’t always love going.  He is a homebody.  He doesn’t mind just being at home with me.  Twice we have arrived at Preschool and he is in tears because he doesn’t want to go. Luckily, the teachers are so nice and just take him out of my car crying and bring him in.  It tugs at my momma heart but I know that he will be fine.  He always comes home smiling and can’t wait to show me what he has worked on.  He has learned how to spell his name and has learned how to write more of his letters.  He is one smart cookie.  He is one to always add adjectives when he talks.   It blows my mind to hear the things he knows.  The other day I was telling him that Ritz crackers were my favorite.  He says. “Why?  Because they are so buttery?”  I didn’t even know he knew they were buttery.

The night before school begins we try to have a fun dinner.  The kids choose Toasted Cheese Sandwiches for dinner.  We also had strawberry and Banana Snakes.  The Bennetts even joined us for our fun dinner.  I tried to make it cute by decorating a little. I even had mustache straws for the kids and fun new hates.  The boys was a mohawk that lit up and Alessia had a headband with rainbow piggie tails coming out the sides.

After dinner John gave the kids Father’s Blessings.  Micah and Alessia would do theirs in front of everyone but Curtis gets too embarrassed so John did his in private.

The next day we walked the kids to school.  It was sprinkling and so the school skipped morning ceremony so it made things a little chaotic but the kids didn’t seem too bothered.

As I said before we had parent teacher conference this week and the kids are doing really well.

Curtis’s teacher said that she just loves Curtis.  She said he is just the cutest little things.  He is quite shy in class but does talk when asked to.  He is afraid to ask to use the bathroom though.  He does ask to use it but is just terrified to do so. Hopefully now that we talked it over he won’t be so scared to ask to go.

I am grateful that the kids all love school.  They may not always love going but they do.  They almost always come home happy.  And we have had little problems with homework this year.

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